Over the past decade, there has been a growing interaction between researchers in theoretical computer science, networking and security, economics, mathematics, sociology, and management sciences devoted to the analysis of problems arising from the Internet and the World Wide Web. The Workshop on Internet & Network Economics (WINE) is an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and results arising from these various fields. The eighth WINE took place in December, 2012 in Liverpool.
The proceedings appear as Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volume 7695. Links: information, online version
Economics and Computation at the University of Liverpool.
WINE 2013
WINE 2013 will be held at Harvard
Previous WINEs
- WINE 2011, Singapore
- WINE 2010, Stanford
- WINE 2009, Rome
- WINE 2008, Shanghai
- WINE 2007, San Diego
- WINE 2006, Patra
- WINE 2005, Hong Kong
External Links
- dblp: Workshop on Internet and Network Economics
- Springer: International Conference on Internet and Network Economics
- Wikipedia: Conference on Web and Internet Economics
The workshop is held in partnership with the EATCS.